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Benefits of Investing in your Product Packaging Photography

  • Post published:June 29, 2020
  • Post category:Blog
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  • Post last modified:June 29, 2020

Do you know what the key to branding your product is? Photography. Yep, you heard me. We have a 7-second window of opportunity to connect with consumers in-store and that image on your product packaging is what will make all the difference.

Here’s how – Photographs are a big chunk of your branding, design and labelling. Which only goes on to highlight how imperative it is to have an image that clearly depicts your product’s story (and mind you, in that very short duration). However, I am not here to scare you, more like talk to you about the benefits of investing in photography to be used for your product packaging.

First impressions are so important. If you’ve been on our blog for a while, you know we’ve discussed this before. Your packaging is the first interaction your consumer will have with your product. So much so, the photography on the packaging is a factor manufacturers must never overlook.

The advantages of spot-on professional product photography are multi-faceted and can go a long, long way in securing a great first impression and building brand loyalty. So, why is product photography for packaging crucial?

Attracts Buyers:

As your product sits on a shelf, the way it looks is an important factor in attracting buyers to take a look. For this reason, many companies conduct extensive consumer research to decode what the consumer’s likes, needs and wants are. Choosing a style and colour that is appealing to your intended audience helps in getting more traction.

The main goal for any product is to get your consumer’s attention, for this same reason, well-designed product packaging can go a long way in putting the product in the hands of the buyers.

Additionally, the packaging (that has a photograph of the product) is a reflection of the product inside and eventually, of the brand as a whole.

A Factor of Differentiation:

Packaging is also a dominant factor in differentiating one brand or product from another. It contains elements like company name, logo and colours of the brand that help consumers identify a certain brand from the competitor.

When you’re walking through the aisle of a store, you will quickly notice that there is no shortage of new products in the market. Often, similar product offerings from different brands are grouped together on the same shelf. To separate your identity from your competition is very important. Eye-catching packaging and using the right drool-worthy image is one way to do that.


Another functional aspect is, how the packaging promotes the product inside. This could be via nutritional information, instructions on usage. The ultimate goal is to help the consumer understand more about your brand, urging them to make that purchase. It helps to set consumer expectations and promotes customer satisfaction with said product. Some manufacturers choose to let the product do the talking with window box packaging or clear plastic boxes. This enables the consumer to view the product in real-time. This could also increase the likelihood of purchase.

A Marketing Tool:

Your brand’s packaging is important as an in-store advertising tool. Think about it, don’t you recognize branded products better? That specific design for your brand, the image of the product either in use or displaying the product, colours and logo all become a differentiating factor so that the next time, the consumer can remember your product when shopping.

Create Brand Recognition:

Here, think about some of your favourite brands. They all have one thing in common: they are memorable. However, over the years they tweak their design to stay current to the market trends or set new ones and stand above their competition. Take Coke for example – they make minor changes to the packaging but stay true to their style and original look.

Now that you’ve understood how important it is and if you’re looking for a professional product packaging photographer, your search ends here. Contact Pawan Manglani’s team here – 9820320832.

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