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How Professional Food Photography benefits your Food Business

  • Post published:February 10, 2020
  • Post category:Blog
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  • Post last modified:May 6, 2020

Images speak louder than words! How often do we order a scrumptious burger only because we saw it whilst scrolling through our social media? No wonder the requirement for professional food photographers is directly proportional to the growth in the popularity of visually stimulating channels that lead to sales such as Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.

According to research, visual content is 40 times more likely to be shared on social media as opposed to other content. The top food photographers have in-depth experience on the subject and come with knowledge on optimizing the right equipment, composition, background, lights to produce the best results.

Quality product images are known to drive engagement, conversation, brand awareness, and conversion. The food images you choose to create and share are solely yours based on brand aesthetics in this very competitive industry, thus becoming a differentiating factor.

There are multi-fold benefits of choosing a good food photographer, in this blog, we will walk you through the top five:

1. It’s a digital, digital world:

Many factors drive sales but the topmost one has to be the product itself! The presentation of the product plays a significant role in converting a potential consumer to a buyer. 

Professional Photographs

These professional photographs also encourage shares on social media platforms to drive brand awareness & recall and benefit the overall image. Being seen in today’s cluttered market and able to stand out is the ultimate goal – it can reel in new consumers and investors.

2. Web ranking:

Images can help you be found on the web! If your food business has a website, you can use images to get a better ranking by utilizing Search Engine Optimization (SEO). One of the many elements of SEO is images. High-quality images help you engage your audience and distinguish from similar brands. Optimized photos can help your business be found in the images section of the web and help with a better ranking overall.

3. Stock photos vs the actual product:

For some organizations, stock photos are an alternative to investing in professional product photography. However, always think like the consumer. They want to get to know you and if they cannot see your product for what it is, they cannot relate which inturn will falter sales. Being honest with your consumers is key to bringing them on board for the long term.

4. They represent your brand:

Sometimes, the cost of professional photography might make you question the requirement. We’re here to remind you that a picture is not a short-term plan, it is a long term investment for your brand to be recognized as a market leader. Low quality and unprofessional photos will send out the wrong message to your target audience about your organization and its offerings.

5. Create assets & content:

Updating branded product images over a period of time will definitely send out the right insight to your audience i.e., professional, quality-oriented and innovative. We all know that content is king and it holds true! What you do need to realize is that photos are content. Not only can photos be used for your website engagement but also to organize your social media channels and build them. Offline, they can be used in brochures and other promotional material.

Photography is storytelling and the key to a good story is creativity. Therefore, there lies a great deal of weightage on choosing the top food photographers for your business. It is integral to capture images that encourage people to either purchase or share the image, thereby, making them an advocate for your brand.

Today, content that resonates plays a huge role for your brand and photos are a powerful source of content. When it comes to promoting your brand, professional photos are a must.

There hasn’t been a better time to invest in professional photography for your food business and watch the magic unfold!

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